Thursday, March 10, 2011

can i get a WHAT WHAT THE F**K??

I'm sorry, since when were accessible health resources an OPTION????? WHAT is going on??  My new years resolution is NO BABIES 2011 along with having a solid draft of my play and working on getting in to grad school and finding my voice in reconnecting with my familyhistory.  I'm sorry, are there people who don't REALIZE that in order for us to DO anything, our health and wellness needs to be ensured (and insured)?  That at the very least our physical HEALTH is a promise worth keeping?  Our bodies need to be supported so that we can be and live, and HOW can a clinic that serves 54,000 patients close?????  Fifty four THOUSAND. People. Of color (vast majority, I am in Oakland). My family. My partner's family. And that's just talking traditional family structures. How many people are affected in those larger social networks, most of whom are people of color? The closures occurred because of a lag in state refunding medical services, as the economy continues to yank resources from low-income communities of color.  

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