Tuesday, February 15, 2011

el dia de amor// the day of love


It was Valentines day yesterday.  El dia del amor.  The day of love.

 Valentines I made for my sister and my roommate…a FREE bird and an orange fish. Plus glitter.

I like it.  I mean, sure, it can get a lil pink and fluffy and commercial sometimes, but for the most part I appreciate the day to celebrate the relationships and love in my life.  And I LOVE crafts.

I’ve dedicated my vday to relationships.  Here’s to all of them.  To living outside of and challenging hierarchies of love and the ways we show it/live it.  To knowing that romance is only one expression of love, and that its rewards are among so many we can receive. Valuing the love-expressions that find us day to day from all directions.  Valuing love and love’s activities.  To seeinghearingsmellingtastingtouching support, and to communicating in equal parts honesty and caring.  To change as a constant in how love breathes in us and walks around us. Embracing changing relationships, loving transition.

My sister and I were remembering our days of Hindu Mythology class.  It was where we and our fellow desi Hindus would go when our non-Hindu counterparts attended church services and Sunday school.  Our teacher was an older Indian woman who wore saris every day even after living in the states with her European husband since the 60s.  She had long hair reaching down to her hips, and told us Hindu stories, not as gospel, but as mythology that illustrated ancient philosophies. She taught us that our multiple deities are united in Brahman, in everything that we see, hear, know, experience.  And God has many different roles, just like us as daughtersisterfriendteacherstudents. The world is complicated and so is God and so are we. Deep stuff for my young 10 year old self and my grownish 22 year old self.  It’s amazing how the lessons I learned as a child take on new meaning and relevance as I grow up. In my own practice, love and god become increasingly the same.

I’ve been working on some crafty things this week.  I’ve been OVERFLOWING with creative energy.  I’m talking crafting some serious multimedia valentines, making a creative wall, dancing to and from anywhere in the apartment building/anywhere/anywhere at all, redecorating our apartment, and of course, tryin to put some writing damage on this blog. 

My creative wall thus far:

The goal is to protect the wall (& our security deposit), and provide some space begging to be used for creative interactive purposes. I started with a cut bed sheet thumbtacked to the wall. I bought some EXCITING spray on adhesive, Elmers (it’s the best).  I’ve been spraying the glue on to the sheet and pasting on plastic bags to provide a water proof plastic layer.  I prepared a paper bag layer (heyyyy reuse and recycling…) and I’m still working out the best way to add it to my wall.  But so soon, done! And hopefully all the recycling energy will compensate for the glue toxins I’m sprayin...(I do the best I can, mama earth).

Also, nice to have an interactive alternative to T.V./Computer medialand. 

Leave you with one of my older poems about (a) relationship(s). 

Hip hop was born of the people
and mos def’d be tippin over his truth
to see that his own
were separating our hip hop from our people
our hip hop grew, yours and mine
when my steady pulse freed your voice
and your rhymes sent my rhythms to god herself
renting us the stage and mics that we needed to become
beyond anything I could have dared to need
we were freed
and a rich garden of roots
grew out of our seed
a community of branches
I hung and swung on the trees we made until
I got lost in the leaves and splinters.
I fell
into your open arms
not expecting them to be open so wide
that I’d splay flat on your feet
I thought you’d grab me.
raise me up and help me back into our sororal forest
but I tripped so fast and so far
that your ass-whoopin
only felt like a reluctant hug.
but now I see
the bruises and dents on my back,
the scars on my thighs,
and your trippity shit of living a foot away from my shoes
and a planet away from my world.
Enough to make this child think that
your grown-up game of silence made you into
the individual—
the lone branch with no trunk
you always wanted to be
the strong one
the loved one
the eternally happy one
but girl
I’m your people
and the verses you spit just keep turnin to shit
and what you’ve created ain’t hip hop no more than
a pair of aviators to hide the sun spots in your eyes
blinding you from your own deep rhythms and true flow
and I’m left staring at your sunshine
eclipsed and
unprotected in our affair
leavin me pregnant with
bastard passive rejection
an abandoned child
I cling to it with my love from the past
and hope for the future
to blossom past resentment to
we can be sisters again.




Unknown said...

i loved your valentines day post, my bengali valentine :)

Susan said...

love you shruts!!! i'd much rather attend your hindu mythology class than sunday school <3